Cystic Fibrosis European Network

What is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the CFTR gene. Heterozygous carriers (those who have inherited only one copy of the altered gene) are asymptomatic. Two altered genes must be present for CF to appear.

Cystic fibrosis is a disease of the mucus glands that affects many of the body's organs. This disorder causes progressive damage to the respiratory system and chronic digestive system problems.

Over time, mucus buildup and infections lead to permanent lung damage, including the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) and cysts in the lungs. Some babies with cystic fibrosis have meconium ileus, a blockage of the intestine that occurs shortly after birth. Infertility is common in men with cystic fibrosis.

About 20 000 Europeans have cystic fibrosis and each year about 2500 babies are born with CF.

Some articles related to Cystic Fibrosis testing

Testing Guidelines for molecular diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis
Schwarz M, Gardner A, Jenkins L, Norbury G, Renwick P, Robinson D, UK Clinical Molecular Genetics Society, 2009
Consensus on the use and interpretation of cystic fibrosis mutation analysis in clinical practiceExit this website
Castellani C, Cuppens H, Macek M Jr, Cassiman JJ, Kerem E, Durie P, Tullis E, Assael BM, Bombieri C, Brown A, Casals T, Claustres M, Cutting GR, Dequeker E, Dodge J, Doull I, Farrell P, Ferec C, Girodon E, Johannesson M, Kerem B, Knowles M, Munck A, Pignatti PF, Radojkovic D, Rizzotti P, Schwarz M, Stuhrmann M, Tzetis M, Zielenski J, Elborn JS., J. Cyst. Fibros., 2008, 7(3), 179-196
Prenatal screening for cystic fibrosis: past, present and futureExit this website
Richards C S, Grody W W, Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn., 2004, 4(1), 49-62
Cystic fibrosis population carrier screening: 2004 revision of American College of Medical Genetics mutation panelExit this website
Watson M S et al., Genetics in Medicine, 2004, 6(5)
Current challenges in Cystic Fibrosis screeningExit this website
Lyon E, Miller C, Arch Pathol Lab Med, 2003, Vol 127
Genetics of Cystic FibrosisExit this website
Gallati S, Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine, 2003, 24(6)
Standards and guidelines for CFTR mutation testingExit this website
Richards C S et al., Genetics in Medicine, 2002, 4(5), 379-391
Cystic fibrosis screening using the College panel: Platform comparison and lessons learned from the first 20,000 samplesExit this website
Strom C M et al., Genetics in Medicine, 2002, 4(4), 289-296
Prenatal detection of cystic fibrosis by ultrasonography: a retrospective study of more than 346 000 pregnanciesExit this website
Scotet V et al., J Med Genet, 2002, 39, 443-448
Laboratory standards and guidelines for population-based cystic fibrosis carrier screeningExit this website
Grody W W et al., Genetics in Medicine, 2001, 3(2)

Last changed: 2019-10-29

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