February 2001 - N° 4 Editorial Steering committee meeting report - E. Dequeker Industry meeting report - E. Dequeker 4th International symposium for cystic fibrosis: scientific and personal point of view - D. Radojkovic The European quality assessment scheme for CF 2000 - E. Dequeker Advances in the activities of the working group on CFTR expression (CFTR-EWG) - resources - M. Amaral Informed consent and patent law: analysis of the key notions of "public order and morality" in patent law - G. Van Overwalle, Pierre Saelen Consent form to take, preserve and use tissue samples - H. Nys, K. Dierickx, I. Dreezen Report INSERM meeting - 26/27.01.01 - M. Claustres Report training - F. Mendes Silver staining of DGGE gels - D. Radojkovic, J. Kusic Announcements Congresses and meetings
July 2001 - N° 5 Editorial CF Associations Meeting - E. Dequeker CFTR working group - 2001 Meeting - M. Amaral Report on the Workshop on Risk Calculation - E. Dequeker CF associations meeting during the 24th European CF-conference - K. De Rijcke Report on the second annual satellite symposium of the CF Network - E. Dequeker Report training - L. Doucet Announcements Congresses and meetings